

PLEASE NOTE: the SOiiL soil matching registry is no longer actively supported in consideration of the new MECP regulatory developments associated with O.Reg. 406/19

A little history on SOiiL's creation

Originally the SOiiL soil matching registry was created through RCCAO to support the use and adoption of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment's "Management of Excess Soil - A Guide for Best Management Practices." Published in 2014

This registry was based on a soil matching registry database model developed by CL:AIRE in the United Kingdom. The CL:AIRE register of materials requires the use of the practices outlined in their CL:AIRE Definition of Waste: Code of Practice (CoP). A copy of this industry CoP and access to their register of materials is available here.

SOiiL was initially conceived as an independent entity designed to support the construction and development sectors in Ontario. In addition to encouraging the adoption of regulatory and industry best management practices (BMPs), SOiiL would also match excess soil donors and potential soil receivers. SOiiL was to facilitate efficiencies and cost savings in construction projects involving the movement of excess soils. As a trusted, third party independent service provider, SOiiL would collect proponent data in confidence and acting strictly as an honest broker facilitate soil matching opportunities between parties.

The fundamental premise of SOiiL was to identify excess soils that could be sustainably and beneficially reused appropriately at other sites and development projects in an approved safe, efficient, transparent and environmentally responsible manner.

If a potential soil matching opportunity for excess soils was found, a project partnership would then be established between the two parties involved. This partnership arrangement would solely be between the two parties involved. SOiiL played no other role other than to co-coordinate and facilitate the initial soil matching. Project partners would then conduct their own due diligence and enter into a contractual business arrangement per respective company practices. SOiiL was not involved in business arrangements after initial matching opportunities were identified.
