
» »Events

Friday November 5, 2021 - 9 am to 11 am

    Infrastructure Projects

Friday November 12, 2021 - 9 am to 11 am

    Excess Soil Registry Regulatory Requirements

Friday November 19, 2021 - 9 am to 11 am

    Vac Trucks and Liquid Soil Management

Wednesday November 24, 2021 - 9 am to 11 am

    Qualified Persons (QP) and Excess Soil Planning

Friday November 26, 2021 - 9 am to 11 am

    Soil Depots and Storage Sites

Friday December 7, 2021 - 11 am to 4:30 pm

    2021 Excess Soils Symposium


The fourth annual Excess Soil Symposium is scheduled for Tuesday, December 8, 2020. This year's session is being organized and run by Actual Media. Due to COVID 19 limitations this year's session will be a virtual on line session starting at 1:00pm in the afternoon ending at 4:30pm. The RCCAO is once again a silver sponsor supporting the event . Last year's s ession was sold - out with in excess of 300 attendees. The symposium will convene industry and government experts from across Ontario to discuss excess soil reuse issues and developments. Special focus this year will be on the new Ontario Excess Soils Regulations (O.Reg's. 406/19, 408/19 and 409/19) introduced by Minister Yurek, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) at last year's session

Topics to be covered in this year's virtual symposium include:
  • MECP updates on the new excess soils regulations in Ontario
  • Panel discussion on how Ontario's new regulations impact industry
  • Panel discussion on the business of excess soils
  • Panel discussion on innovations driving best practices in excess soils management


The third annual Excess Soil Symposium is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2019. This all day session, organized by the Canadian Urban Institute, is being held at the Deer Creek Golf and Banquet facility in Ajax Ontario running from 8:00am to 4:30 pm. The RCCAO is once again a silver sponsor supporting the event . Last year's session was sold - out with in excess of 300 attendees. The session will convene industry and government experts from across Ontario to discuss excess soil reuse. The Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks will open the symposium and Nicholas Willenbrock from the CL:AIRE organization in the United Kingdom as guest speaker will provide the lunch keynote address - Lessons from the UK based on a case study.

Topics to be covered in this year's symposium include:
  • Updates on policy and proposed new regulations in Ontario
  • Panel discussion on best management practices supporting beneficial excess soil reuse
  • Case studies on the benefits of planning and managing projects involving excess soils
  • Panel discussion on differing excess soil quality challenges and the roles and responsibilities of involved Qualified Persons (QP's)
  • Case studies on unique excess soil management issues including hydrovac soils, trench material and large-scale haulage
  • Innovative new and emerging practices supporting beneficial reuse of excess soils.


About 300 people are expected to attend the second annual Excess Soil Symposium on this day in Ajax. At this one-day event, leading experts will gather to discuss recent updates in policy and regulation and to share lessons and successful case studies about the successful management of excess soil.

Topics will include:
  • Preventing and responding to illegal fill dumping
  • Increasing soil reuse
  • Improving soil quality
  • Reducing carbon emissions
  • Tracking of soil haulage activities

Last year's event featured more than 20 speakers and 270 attendees, including developers, government, consulting professionals, residents and academics.

The Canadian Urban Institute has organized the event. RCCAO will be a silver sponsor, joining the Ontario Soil Regulation Task Force and the Ontario Environment Industry Association in support of the event.

For more information or to register, visit - 2018 Ontario Excess Soil Symposium


RCCAO / CL:AIRE Excess Soils Workshop - PowerPoint Slide Presentation
Excess Soils Management - Multi-Ministry Meeting
RCCAO and CL:AIRE Excess Construction Soils in Ontario Workshop
Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference
EBR Review Excess Soil Policy in Ontario

August 19, 2015 - CL:AIRE Definition of Waste workshop presentation

Development Industry Code of Practice (DoW CoP)

February 24, 2015 - SOiiL at OGRA/ROMA Conference. #healthysoils

The Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) hosted a "Soils Room" at the OGRA/ROMA combined conference to foster a dialogue about managing excess construction soils on Feb. 24. The event was held at the Royal York Hotel. Ontario politicians, including Minister of Northern Development and Mines Michael Gravelle and many municipal mayors and councillors, had an opportunity to discuss possible solutions, including implementation of the BMP guide. RCCAO executive director Andy Manahan said the event was a success. A draw was held for a toy dumptruck and two RCCAO caps. The winners were: Lynn Campbell, Ward 5 Councillor, Township of Brock (truck); Jeff Agar, Councillor, Mooretown; and Alan Barfoot, Mayor, Township of Georgian Bluffs. Congrats to our winners and thanks to all for joining the discussion.

Click here for a slide show
toy dumptruck

February 19, 2015 - Press Release

Ontario's opportunity to act on excess construction soils

February 24, 2015 - Ontario Good Roads Association Conference

SOiiL and RCCAO will be hosting a "Soils Room" as part of the annual Ontario Good Roads Association conference to be held February 22nd-25th, 2015 at the Fairmont Royal York hotel, Toronto. Visit

The Soils Room information session will be held Tuesday, February 24, 2015 in the British Columbia room from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm. In addition to representatives from SOiiL and RCCAO, the Soils Room will also have government representatives from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, other Ministries, soil stakeholders and local jurisdictions involved in excess soil handling developments impacting municipalities.

class="maintext"> Catch the latest news and developments with respect to the municipal implementation of the new MOECC's Ontario Soil Management - A Guide for Best Management Practices and supporting initiatives including soil matching through the SOiiL web site. Information will also be available regarding various municipal activities to encourage the development and adoption of municipal by-laws and practices that are cost effective, environmentally responsible and encourage the beneficial re-use of excess soils in Ontario.


» »Previous Events

April 10, 2014

SOiiL has been invited to make a presentation to the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) on the issues involved in handling soils from remediation and development construction projects in the GTA. This will include discussion of some of the issues involved provincially and locally and recommended solutions including the use of excess soils best management practices and support tools like SOiiL.

March 3, 2014 - Workshop Summary and Presentations

Workshop Summary
   March 3, 2014 - Summary Management of Excess Soil Workshop
   Management of Excess Soil Workshop
   Lessons Learned from Region of Peel Temporary Storage Site
   Excess Soil Management: A Guide for Best Management Practices
   Workshop Pictures

March 3, 2014

The Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) and Supporting Ontario Infrastructure Investments and Lands (SOiiL) are sponsoring an afternoon half day informational workshop on the recently released Ontario Ministry of the Environment's Management of Excess Soil - A Guide for Best Management Practices.
The session is to be held at the RCCAO offices, 25 North Rivermede Road, Vaughn Ontario.
Representatives from the Ontario MOE and other stakeholder groups will be in attendance to present and discuss various aspects of the implementation of the MOE's new Guide.
Interested participants are welcome to contact RCCAO (Rose Cleverdon - 905 760-7777) or SOiiL (Al Durand - 905 581-3498) for further information regarding workshop as attendance is limited.

February 26, 2014

SOiiL made a presentation February 26th, 2014 at the Ontario Sand, Stone and Gravel Association's Annual General Meeting in Ottawa Ontario. The theme of the general meeting was "Society and Sustainability" - Leading by Example. The presentation was made as part of a panel session on Inert Fill and How to manage it.

February 26, 2014

SOiiL has been invited to participate on an inert soils handling panel at the upcoming Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association (OSSGA) annual general meeting in Ottawa February 26, 2013. This will provide an opportunity to update OSSGA members on activities that have taken place over the past year to address the handling of excess soil in Ontario as well as what is happening internationally in other jurisdictions.

December 13, 2013

As a follow-up to the October 31st presentation made by RCCAO to the Regional Public Works Commissioners of Ontario (RPWCO) in Thunder Bay Ontario, RCCAO and SOiiL have been invited to meet with the York Region Municipal Liaison Committee December 13th, 2013. This group is composed of representatives from seven municipalities within York Region. The session is intended to provide an update on excess soil handling issues and developments in Ontario impacting York Region. This presentation is intended to provide recommendations to improve the beneficial reuse of excess soils in York Region including pilot testing opportunities involving the use of excess soil best management practices, proposed municipal model soil handling by-law approach, municipal procurement practices and supporting the use of the SOiiL soil matching system. There will also be discussion of engaging municipal partners in the further development of the SOiiL electronic registry and soil matching database through possible joint applications for funding involving existing programs at the provincial level, or through not for profit organizations and private sector parties.

October 31, 2013

Presentation to be made by RCCAO at the Regional Public Works Commissioners of Ontario conference, Thunder Bay Ontario, on soil handling best management practices and municipal challenges and opportunities involving fill.

September 26, 2013

London England - Annual CL:AIRE (Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments) conference. A delegation from RCCAO will attend conference to share international soil handling practices and learning's.

September 23, 2013

Representatives of RCCAO and local municipal representatives and Conservation Authorities met with City of Toronto staff and councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker regarding development of a proposed City of Toronto fill by-law.
